Welcome to Living Word Lutheran Church, Mission Viejo
“The purpose of Living Word is to serve all people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of the Holy Scriptures” (Living Word Constitution, Art. III, sect. 1). We are unashamed of that Gospel. We truly believe that our Incarnate Lord lavishes that Gospel on us regularly in the Word and the Blessed Sacraments. This Divine Service is the heart of our congregation. It is God’s work not ours, for through Word and Sacraments, the Holy Spirit works faith and strengthens faith where He pleases (Augustana V). Living Word strives to confess this Gospel in our words, dress, ceremonies, and architecture. Therefore, the Divine Service transcends our ethnicity, language, and interests to unite us to Christ and to one another. It is beautiful, reverent, dignified, and inspiring. Its Lutheran influence is unmistakeable. It is with that intent that we welcome you to join us.
23561 Alicia Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92691