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Sunday School
Teaching children is a tremendous privilege given by God. So every Sunday morning from 11:00am to 11:45am the children of Living Word gather in their respective classrooms to learn the basic Bible stories at an age appropriate level and to have fun with a craft project based on the lesson. These stories strengthen their faith, deepen their knowledge of the history of salvation, and also serve as important step into youth catechesis. It is our prayer that Christian instruction, which is established early on in life, will continue throughout their lives.

Adult Bible Class
Adult Bible study takes place every Sunday morning beginning at 11:00am and ending at 11:45am. In this class we cover the Holy Scriptures in a more thorough way by expounding and applying its teachings. The format varies from topical, discussing topics and their appropriate passages, to exegetical, walking through a book of the Bible.

Youth Catechesis
This weekly instruction (approximately 25 lessons a year) in the basic truths of Scripture as laid out by Dr. Luther in his Small Catechism prepares the children to be accepted as confirmed members of the congregation. Instruction begins in the 2nd grade. The 2nd and 3rd graders cover the entire catechism in two years. The 4th and 5th graders learn the catechism through Bible history. The 6th graders review the entire catechism. The 7th and 8th graders use the catechism as they study church history, Luther’s Large Catechism, and selected parts of the Book of Concord.

Chief Parts of Christian Teaching:
The 10 Commandments
The Apostles Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
Holy Baptism
Holy Absolution
Holy Communion

Adult Catechesis
This 15 course class is for those who are curious about the Christian Faith, those who wish to become communicant members of Living Word, or those who simply want to review the basic teachings of Holy Scripture. The schedule of this class depends on the availability of the Pastor and those who wish to take the class. Upon completion of the class, those who are not members will be invited to confess their faith publicly by becoming full members.

Women’s Bible Study
Once a week in the morning (excluding Advent and Lent), the women of Living Word gather at 10:00am in Beyersdorf Hall for Bible study and the occasion snack. Topics vary throughout the year. Check the calendar for dates and more details.

Men’s Convivium
On a quarterly basis, the men of the congregation provide for all members and non-members a dinner and an appropriate speaker. (The gathering is not restricted to men.) Past speakers include pastors and laymen presenting on Art and Beauty, the Human Body, the Comfort of Lutheranism, etc. All speakers are approved by Pastor and the elders. The evening ends with Vespers. Contact the parish to inquire about the next Convivium.

In past summers, Living Word has hosted a Vacation Bible School not only for the children of Living Word, but also for those who want their children to learn Bible stories. It is week devoted to the study of God’s Word as well as friendships, games, snacks, and crafts. Contact the parish to inquire about it this year.

At Home
Living Word encourages parents to teach their children about Jesus from a very early age. This is a sacred responsibility given by God to parents. To assist in this, Living Word urges each family to use The Congregation at Prayer so that the next generation may be brought up in the way of the Lord. The devotions listed here are the work of a few confessional Lutheran pastors. They are beneficial for young and old.