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Bible Text: Luke 16:19-31 | Preacher: Pr. David Frey | Series: Sundays after Pentecost Christ pulls back the veil allowing us to see into eternity. We will escape hell. Heaven…
Bible Text: Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-21; John 14:23-41 | Preacher: Pr. David Frey | Series: Pentecost God is patient so He might save.

Easter 7

May 13, 2018
Bible Text: John 15:26-16:4:4 | Preacher: Pr. David Frey | Series: Easter You are temples of the Holy Spirit who testifies of Christ and who leads you to please God.

Easter 6

May 6, 2018
Bible Text: John 16:23-30 | Preacher: Pr. David Frey | Series: Easter The Father will give you whatever you askĀ in Jesus' name.